School started Wednesday.
It was an occasion met with mixed emotions. Not one of us really fancies the idea of a 6:30-7:00 a.m. wake up call. In fact, Adia and I decided that school would be much better if it ran from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. instead of the 8:00 to 2:25 p.m. they have now. I don't think we'll get many takers for that idea.
Despite the early hour, and the looming promise of renewed homework, Adia was excited to start third grade. I am happy to report that she is attending the same school that she has been in. The assistant superintendent, along with the school principal, made a ruling to allow her continued attendance despite the enrollment numbers showing a full third grade there. In fact, the email and letter that I received from the assistant superintendent both referred to the decision being based what was in Adia's best interest. The letter was revised from what I had been sent earlier in the summer to state that transfer requests would be granted based on availability at the chosen school and/or the well being of the child. I was delighted and more than a little bit impressed with the school district's responsiveness. Adia is in class with the teacher she was recommended to be with, and one with whom she has a good standing relationship. I am hopeful that this year will prove to be a good one for her.
Not to be out done in the excitement department by her sister, Malaika was convinced that she was going to be starting kindergarten. Alas, she has another year of pre-K before she is old enough to be enrolled in public school. I am happy that the district started voluntary full-day kindergarten classes this year, and I hope to get her enrolled in one of those next fall.
Despite the lack of change in venue, Malaika was quite anxious to get to wear her new school shoes. From the day we brought them home, she asked me every morning, "Today I can wear my new shoes?" I told her that, no, she could wear them on the first day of Adia's school. On Tuesday, I reminded her that she could wear her new shoes the next day. I'm sure that the excitement didn't help this already bed/sleep resistant one on Tuesday night. She had trouble staying in her bed, in her room actually, and kept running in to bother her sister who truly just wanted to get some sleep. Eventually, though, the pitter-patter of little feet subsided and quiet snores could be heard from the blanket heap in the middle of the bed. When I went in to check on her before I went to bed, I saw something white sticking out from the covers. On closer inspection here is what I found: one four and half year old, fast asleep, with one shiny, brand-spanking-new sneaker on the foot sticking out of the bed. Her satin pj leg was pushed up to her knee. I had to peek beneath the comforter to see, and yes, indeed, there was the other shoe as well. I'm just sorry it was too dark to take a picture.
I did, however get the traditional first day of school pictures of Adia. No school bus pulling away from the house shot this year. It's the mommy bus, aka the Prius, that will be doing the school runs. No matter, she looks like she's ready to go, doesn't she?
I have a proposal out there
1 week ago
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